By Benita Mehta,

ISHN Chief Editor



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By Benita Mehta,

ISHN Chief Editor

2025 Challenge: Can You Spot More Safety Risks Than AI?


    his year, ISHN launched a safety hazards challenge on our LinkedIn page. I invite you to take part in the "Pros vs. AI: Spot the Safety Issue" challenge! We’re asking you to test your skills in identifying hazards and associated risks in real workplace scenarios.
    Take a good look at this photo taken by safety professional Olga Bodiagina from a cleaning company audit, and go to our LinkedIn page to identify all the hazards and risks you see. We’ll ask AI to do the same, and compare the answers to see who “wins!”

Identify the safety issues in this photo taken at a real worksite by a safety professional. Photo: Olga Bodiagina

Goals of the challenge
    1. Demonstrate the potential of AI in risk assessment and its application in professional environments.
   2. Provide readers with the opportunity to compare the approaches of professionals and AI in analyzing safety scenarios.
   3. Enhance participants' knowledge of risk identification through the sharing of different experiences. 

Key Terms
    The contest focuses on identifying and analyzing real hazards, without reference to legal violations, which may vary across different states.
    • Hazard: A potential source of harm (e.g., a slippery floor, sharp objects.)
    • Risk: The likelihood that a hazard will cause harm (e.g., the risk of slipping on a wet floor.)

General Rules
1. The challenge will run on ISHN’s LinkedIn page from February through November 2025.
   2. A different picture will be posted each month. Participants analyze a photo of a real workplace.
   3. The participants' task is to identify all of the hazards and their associated risks using logic and professional knowledge.

Role of AI
     After the comment submission deadline, the jury asks the same question to the AI (ChatGPT 4.0.) 
   • The AI's response is published to see how it compares with human’s responses. 

February photo
    Our first challenge photo (see post here) involved scaffolding and working at heights hazards. It’s not too late to share your input and check out the post sharing AI’s “thoughts.”

Monthly Poll
    Another avenue for participation is our monthly website poll. Take part and see what others think in real time. This month, we asked readers to tell us how they feel about OSHA in general. Whether it’s positive, negative or neutral. It only takes a second to share your opinion here.

March 2025

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VOL. 59  NO. 2